Best Practices Guide: Analog Video to Cloud
You can affordably upgrade your legacy analog surveillance system to a high-performing true cloud video management system (VMS) by reusing most, if not all, of your existing cabling infrastructure and analog cameras. The PDF version contains additional content – view for more information.
Read the Analog Video to Cloud Guide

There are several approaches to successfully upgrading your system, depending on the type and operability of your cameras and your willingness to use your existing coaxial infrastructure. The easiest and most cost-effective way to preserve your current system is to simply plug your analog cameras and coaxial cable into a cloud-ready appliance. This digitizes your current video (and its image quality) to work within the cloud technology company’s architecture. However, better image quality can be realized by attaching new high-definition cameras to your analog cabling and installing a matching high-definition receiver at the other end of the cable; thereby greatly improving the image quality, regardless of the transmission media in use.
In today’s security industry, the technology exists to “encode” and transmit video in multiple accepted formats, and many video manufacturers have released products that do this quite well. The “gotchas” around reusing your existing cabling and cameras are few, but can be severe if you or your security service provider are unfamiliar with analog signal transmission and the power required to successfully transmit or convert it over the distance of the wiring.
This paper details the advantages of managing your analog camera video in the cloud, outlines video-to-cloud upgrade options, and provides readers with actionable information to successfully transition analog camera video to the cloud.