Eagle Eye Networks

Are you afraid of Ghost?

January 30, 2015 Hans Kahler

Ghost is the latest security vulnerability to hit the headlines. It allows remote attackers to take control of servers, without knowing user/password information. Ghostbusters_logo.svg

The Eagle Eye team immediately patched our infrastructure, and all systems were confirmed patched within 18 hours of discovering the vulnerability. This is just one demonstration of the power of the cloud. Many times, when people in the video surveillance space think about cloud, they are so focused on the location of the video storage, that they don’t think about the systems management aspect of cloud.

Think about having to patch all of the DVRs you manage? Does it even happen? If you absolutely had to make it happen would you even know where to start, or how long it would take? Some folks might know where to start, and they may even be able to make it happen, but history shows that this it almost never happens.

The fact that we can update update our entire infrastructure without making site visits is a huge benefit to our customers. It not only provides the ability for them to take advantage of new features, but it also allows us to ensure that security patches are applied in a timely manner, reducing the chance of a system being hacked.


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