Eagle Eye Networks

How License Plate Recognition provides a seamless and safe parking experience

May 13, 2024 Alex Chudzik


To run a parking operation successfully, you need to know what is happening in your lot or garage at all times and meet your visitors’ expectations for a seamless parking experience. Using technology to diminish risks, ensure safety, and provide easy vehicle access control, you will level up your operation. License plate recognition (LPR) technology, if chosen wisely, can integrate with your existing ONVIF cameras to provide these assurances. 

lpr access image min - How License Plate Recognition provides a seamless and safe parking experience

LPR provides a way for you to enable frictionless entry and exit, and uphold higher levels of safety in your parking operations. Using AI, your surveillance system can detect and read license plates when they move within scanning distance of the camera. Once the plates are read, they can be checked against an approved database, entry gates can be opened automatically, and the information and image are recorded. No parking attendant required.

Every vehicle counts

Unlike other parking access controls that require a clicker or windshield pass, an LPR camera captures every single plate that passes by. An apartment complex that operates by clicker access may find that one car directly follows another vehicle in, and it’s as if that car never existed in their records. With LPR, your records are complete.

No more tailgating

It can’t be emphasized enough: LPR captures every vehicle moving in and out of your facility. This is vital to the security of your property. Even if a license plate is nonstandard, uses stacked letters or numbers, or is dirty, the right LPR is able to correctly identify it. If one car tries to follow another into your facility, it will be denied entry if you have a gate; if the entry is ungated, it will still be flagged as tailgating and you can be alerted.

Track nonresident vehicles

One thing clickers can’t do: identify nonresident or unknown vehicles. When you check your records, you will always have a complete list of vehicles entering, whether or not they belong to approved residents, thanks to LPR.

Simple access for approved vehicles

yellow school bus

Let’s say you own a multifamily property visited each weekday morning and afternoon by school buses. With LPR, you can add the buses’ plates to your “approved list” and guarantee them seamless entry to the complex. No more need for bus drivers to remember and use gate codes for each property they visit; this is a major boon because the chance of code misuse is high. By adding vehicles to your approved access list, you ensure they have an easy experience entering and exiting.

Provide faster access

LPR doesn’t require visitors to hand over a drivers license or other tangible ID. Nor does it require them to stop, roll down their window, and tap a badge reader or a screen. Instead, their experience using your parking garage is seamless and smooth. They drive up to the gate, the camera scans their license plate, and if your database approves, the gate swings open and they enter. This reduces entry time that can be incredibly valuable at peak times of the day.

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To learn more about how Eagle Eye Networks LPR works with your existing cameras to provide time savings, an excellent visitor experience, and peace of mind to you as a business owner, schedule a demo with Eagle Eye sales today.

Book a demo with our sales team to learn more.

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