Eagle Eye Networks

Get Offsite Cloud Backup for Your Existing Video Surveillance Solution

May 8, 2020 Eagle Eye Networks

cloud replication eagle eye networks

There are many reasons a business might require more control over the storage and retention of it’s video surveillance data. Some industries have tight regulations around video retention, or they may require storage of video both off-site and on-premise. Increasing video retention with traditional NVR/DVR video surveillance systems can be costly, on top of leaving video data vulnerable to loss and damages.

With the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS, owners and operators can use Cloud Video Replication to extend the capabilities of their existing video management systems by including a copy of locally stored surveillance video in the Cloud.

In this webinar, the Eagle Eye Networks sales engineer team discusses how off-site cloud backup can be added to leading VMS providers with Eagle Eye Cloud Video Replication. The topics covered include:

  • An overview of cloud video replication
  • The benefits of cloud video replication
  • How to set up cloud video replication
  • Things to consider with an existing VMS

To see the full webinar, check out the video.


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