Eagle Eye Networks

Tag: Bandwidth Management

Learn about the impact bandwidth management has on your video surveillance and the tools Eagle Eye Networks offers for dynamic bandwidth management.

Why IT Leaders Choose Eagle Eye Cloud VMS

As camera counts rise and system complexity increases, it’s crucial for IT leaders to make smart choices when it comes to their video surveillance management system. Questions like the cost of maintenance, how the VMS manages bandwidth, camera compatibility, cybersecurity and integration possibilities are all important areas to evaluate when determining the right solution for your organization. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS was designed with IT in mind. We built a system that is secure,

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When are IP cameras ready for the cloud

When are IP cameras ready for the cloud?

By Erik-Jan Philippo, Product Manager Eagle Eye Networks The video surveillance industry is rapidly moving from on-premise solutions to modern cloud solutions. A cloud solution comes with an array of benefits, streamlining and simplifying the management of a video surveillance system. That said, some IP cameras are not ready for the Cloud yet from a hardware and software perspective. A cloud solution has different requirements than on-premise solutions; requirements that IP cameras are not supporting

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bandwidth management

Understand How Video Surveillance Bandwidth Management Works

Balancing the amount of bandwidth available with the number of cameras and desired retention time is key to successfully using the Cloud for your video surveillance management. Understanding your metrics and the features of the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS will help you set parameters to create the best user experience. Bandwidth Basics You might be asking, what exactly is bandwidth? Bandwidth refers to the available speed of your IP Network. So when you look at

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Enhanced Transmit Modes

Eagle Eye Networks has recently added three new bandwidth modes for users to choose from: Percentage of Available – You can now adjust the transmit rate for the Bridge to be set to a percentage of available bandwidth. This affects the default transmit rate, as well as the scheduled transmit rate. A sider is used to select the percentage of available bandwidth or the fixed transmit rate. The slider can be moved using the left

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Remote storage for low-bandwidth installations

Remote storage: low-bandwidth installs

We received an alert that our equipment had lost connection to the internet. As soon as got the alert we also got the preview image for the second it was installed. We are always sending the low resolution preview stream to the cloud. The high resolution, full-framerate video comes up as bandwidth is available. This is critical to diagnosing what happened. In this case we have a pretty good idea what happened. and here is

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Bandwidth Recommendations

Executive Summary: We recommend 100kbps per camera for our realtime previews stream. You can adjust the quality on those by raising or lowering the settings but those are safe averages. We load balance and pool requests so that multiple people watching the same live stream view it through our cloud and only a single live stream between the bridge and our cloud are required. This allows us to get more cameras on the same bandwidth.

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