Eagle Eye Networks

The Humorous Side to GSX

September 30, 2021 Eagle Eye Networks


An upside to attending GSX this year there were some humorous observations.

Late Tuesday afternoon I noticed three guys at one booth who crumpled up a piece of aluminum foil into a ball, and began a game of soccer. Not sure who won but it was a vigorous contest.

Wearing face covering was clearly a problem. My observations concluded that some people just don’t have the right nose to keep that mask in place. By late afternoon on Tuesday some had removed their facial covering clearly making the statement that a mask was hindering business communication. Perhaps strangest of all was the visitor wearing a tight or form fitting mask so that when they talked you could see the lips moving during the conversation. My favorite were staff members at one booth sported the clear mask that shielded mouth and nose. It might have been a little cooler and easier to breath but when one person sneezed … enough said.

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