
AmberBox provides instant gunshot detection and notification to police and building security. The real-time response platform delivers event data, with the ability to view precise gunshot location and timing, perpetrator movement, weapon classification, and the option to respond immediately with pre-programmed security feature integrations. When precious minutes can make a significant difference to attack severity, AmberBox Gunshot Detection enables first responders to arrive on the scene faster, equipped with the information needed to contain threats and mitigate incidents.

AmberBox integrates with the Eagle Eye platform through an API integration. The location of the AmberBox detectors are tied to the location of the Eagle Eye cameras. Should AmberBox detect a gunshot, the Eagle Eye platform will automatically annotate the event on the camera feed in that precise location, to view the perpetrator and real-time event data.

AmberBox provides instant gunshot detection and notification in 3.6 seconds. Integration with Eagle Eye allows organizations to automatically pull the precise camera feeds of an active shooter situation. This combination delivers a real-time view of an incident, with no human intervention necessary, enabling a rapid response from police and building security.