Eagle Eye Networks

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Employee theft and error are leading causes of profit loss for restaurants. Efficiently mitigating this loss requires a tight integration between point-of-sale data and video. With Delaget restaurant operators can now identify and authenticate suspicious transactions all in one place, through an intuitive interface that’s easy to use for all skills levels.


For many franchises, different locations have disparate, often outdated systems, making it difficult to manage video effectively across multiple locations and tie suspicious or fraudulent transactions into a point-of-sale system. Delaget combined with Video can bring best-in-class loss prevention in a centralized platform. Restaurant owners can view video with POS transactions for any location from anywhere, anytime with just one login.


Linking your point-of-sale (POS) system with your Eagle Eye Networks VMS makes it easy to see exactly when order totals have been adjusted or when a register is short, so you can review footage from that time period. Using Eagle Eye together with Delaget’s exception-based analytics solution, you can find, authenticate, and act on employee theft and error in minutes instead of hours.


Delaget Dashboard 1024x821 - Delaget
Delaget Receipt - Delaget


Delaget Partner Integration Architecture 11 1024x682 - Delaget

Partner Requirements

Contact Delaget at (888) 335-2438, ext. 5 or Delaget.com/lets-talk for requirements

Eagle Eye Requirements

  1. Cameras; check EEN compatibility list 
  2. Eagle Eye Networks bridge or cloud managed video recorder (CMVR)
  3. Eagle Eye Networks camera subscription


Delaget - Delaget

Best Practices

Install Eagle Eye compatable camera directly above POS location for best forensic results.

Contact Delaget at (888) 335-2438, ext. 5 or Delaget.com/lets-talk.

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