Eagle Eye Networks

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Techbinder SVO delivers accurate information on the performance of vessels and assets and allows the data owner to share it with whomever he wants. This way maritime operations create a close overview of the status and performance of their fleet, empowering their whole value chain with information that was not available earlier. 


TechBinder improves human-machine interaction by utilizing and combining new technologies. They drive efficiency, optimization, and sustainability by improving the way humans and machines work together. TechBinder innovates fast and delivers easy-to-use, scalable, and cyber-secure solutions. They do this by partnering with strong technology partners and focusing on maritime and industrial operations. By creating vital insights from data and capturing best practices, they make sure that future operations will perform better than they do today, information never gets lost again, and finds its way to the right person at any time.


The partnership between TechBinder and Eagle Eye Networks offers a technology integration of the Eagle Eye Cloud Video Management System (VMS) platform with TechBinder’s Smart Vessel Optimizer (SVO) platform. Maritime operators use the SVO performance dashboards and analytics tools to gain a detailed overview of their vessel performance. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS delivers live video and asset-performance data, allowing the maritime operators to remotely view vessel management and receive real-time reports and notifications.

  • Continuously improve operations
  • Outsmart competition
  • Decrease operational cost
  • Capture and grow vital operational & technical knowledge
  • Decrease environmental impact
  • Design better vessels

Partner Requirements​

For more information, please contact TechBinder and their Smart Vessel Optimizer at www.smartvesseloptimizer.com 

Eagle Eye Requirements​

  • Eagle Eye Networks Bridge or CMVR
  • Eye Eye Networks Compatible Camera
  • Camera Subscription



Best Practices​

For more information, please contact TechBinder and their Smart Vessel Optimizer at www.smartvesseloptimizer.com 

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