Eagle Eye Networks

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Ai-RGUS is an cloud based AI service that can assure you that after you install your security cameras they continue to show and record the security images you need. Security camera images can suffer from blur, block, tilt, low-light or glare. Recordings can go missing, the peripheral hardware can malfunction, and the timestamp could be incorrect. With AiRGUS alerts you take a proactive approach to assure that your cameras have the views as originally intended and you will continually have access the video for evidential purposes.



Ai-RGUS is the only software with camera specific diagnostics to manage cameras efficiently & comes with actions to resolve problems quickly.

  • Uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if your camera images have problems of blur, block, tilt, glare, or low-light.
  • Monitors device/camera liveness, timestamp correctness, and recordings retention to alert you if you do not have enough days of recording on a per camera basis or if a camera is not currently recording.

Through the Ai-RGUS online dashboard you can configure rules for email alerts and support tickets on a per camera or device basis. With this information, you can be sure you are promptly aware of any issues, so you can respond to any surveillance system issues quickly.


Through the Eagle Eye Network API, these are the benefits of using Ai-RGUS.

Ai-RGUS checks on a schedule that:

  • All devices in the security camera system are “on”, such as the cameras and the bridges
  • Each camera produces an image
  • And that the image from each security camera is clear and has no problem of block, blur, tilt, low-light, and glare
  • For each camera, have confirmation that the camera is currently recording and that it is retaining the number of days of recording to match the requirement from your organization
  • Time stamp correctness, including time zone issues

Ai-RGUS provides:

  • Fully customizable reports
  • A dashboard with detailed information about the results of each inspection & system performance historical information
  • A manager to change reference images and to keep them up to date
  • The actions manager to export information to email or tickets
  • The ability to manage passwords
  • Checking the status of devices on-demand


Partner Requirements

No hardware needed, Ai-RGUS is a software ONLY solution.

Partners sign an “affiliate agreement” that includes provisions for project exclusivity and client confidentiality. Partners receive access to a partner portal and can run their own trials and connect their own clients automatically.

Eagle Eye Requirements

  1. Cameras; check EEN compatibility list 
  2. Eagle Eye Networks bridge or camera managed video recorder (CMVR)
  3. Eagle Eye Networks camera subscription


Ai RGUS Architecture min 1024x541 - Ai-RGUS

Best Practices

Please have the following information available when connecting the Ai-RGUS software:

  • User name and Password of the Eagle Eye Networks account
  • Decide who will receive alerts for which device(s)
  • Recording retention time requirements

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