Eagle Eye Networks

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Learn more about Eagle Eye Network's technology partners and how, together, we can support your organization's needs.



The Beveco IX.Web is a system that integrates with systems for intrusion, fire detection, access control, camera/video/ANPR, HVAC, and e-installations (UPS, PLCs, energy, metering).


Beveco Gebouwautomatisering is an experienced system integrator with a customer portfolio consisting of data centers, (academic) hospitals, industry, governments, and Dutch business community leaders. Its mission: Create management solutions that “unburden” the customer.

The web-based software developed by Beveco, IX.Web and IX.Mobile, is integrated and implemented by Beveco or trained partners.


  • Achieve significant cost savings
  • Maintain an overview with a uniform application for all your systems
  • Control alarm handling with automated workflows and reports
  • Gain a true “smart building” solution in cooperation with various systems
  • Ensure future-proofing and brand independence
  • Accurately predict maintenance


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Partner Requirements

Contact www.beveco.nl or send an email to [email protected] for all requirements

Eagle Eye Requirements

  1. Cameras; check EEN compatibility list 
  2. Eagle Eye Networks bridge or cloud managed video recorder (CMVR)
  3. Eagle Eye Networks camera subscription


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Best Practices

Contact www.beveco.nl or send an email to [email protected]

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