Eagle Eye Networks

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Matroid makes computer vision simple and accessible to everyone. It offers an easy-to-use and intuitive platform for creating and deploying computer vision models, called detectors, to search visual media for people, behavior, objects, and events in live video streams or video archives. All without writing a single line of code.

Customers use Matroid in manufacturing to speed inspections, security to detect threats, construction to monitor safety compliance, and even retail to understand customer behaviors. Its goal is to improve your business in minutes instead of months.


Customers can use existing camera infrastructure – no additional hardware is needed to get top-of-the-line, custom analytics.

  • Get Immediate Notifications – Set up alerts to receive notification when a person, behavior, object, and event is detected.
  • Conduct Similarity Searches – Track individuals across multiple camera streams and locate where they are or where they’ve gone for investigations and safety situations.
  • Get Video Summaries – Condense hours of footage into an easily digestible video clip that illustrates all person/vehicle activity that’s occurred on a stream.


Matroid ingests video from Eagle Eye Networks Cloud Video Management System (VMS) and produces high quality analytics, customized to the end user’s needs. Customers can use existing camera infrastructure – no additional hardware is needed to get top-of-the-line, custom analytics.


Partner Requirements

Work closely with Eagle Eye Networks and Matroid to create your custom AI solution.

Eagle Eye Requirements

  1. Cameras; check EEN compatibility list 
  2. Eagle Eye Networks bridge or cloud managed video recorder (CMVR)
  3. Eagle Eye Networks camera subscription


matroid Tech Partner - Matroid

Best Practices

Work closely with Eagle Eye Networks and Matroid to create your custom AI solution.

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