Eagle Eye Networks

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Critical Response Group


Critical Response Group is a Critical Incident Mapping solution tha. creates common operating pictures to enhance command and control efforts during an emergency through their core product, Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRG).

The company’s origins are grounded in thousands of real-life direct-action raids conducted by the United States Special Operations Forces (USSOF) over the past two decades and dozens of county-wide deployments domestically over the past five years.


Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRGs®) are simple visual communication and collaboration tools, usable under stress, to coordinate emergency response both outside and inside a building. CRGs enhance response time and improve command and control during an incident.

CRGs combine a gridded reference system, high-resolution imagery, floor plans, and critical features within a building and surrounding exterior areas to create a communication tool that is usable in a crisis and accessible by first responders through any smart device.


  • Grid & TemplateKey Landmarks & Critical Features (AED, Gas, etc)
  • Highlight Hallways, Stairwells, Doors, Exits
  • Floorplans made with best Available Aerial Imagery
  • Using the Eagle Eye Networks Floorplans feature you can place cameras on the maps for ease of use for first responders and relevant school safety staff.


crg demo min 1024x792 - Critical Response Group

Partner Requirements

CRGs mapping data is provided at no cost to any platform or technology used by either the first responders or the internal security teams at any given location. There are no fees to access this data and it can be provided in a variety of formats. The only requirement is verifying the platforms these maps need to be available within each client’s implementation plan.

Eagle Eye Requirements

  1. Cameras; check EEN compatibility list 
  2. Eagle Eye Networks bridge, Camera Managed Video Recorder(CMVR), or Camera Direct
  3. Eagle Eye Professional or Enterprise Cameras Subscriptions to get access to Floorplans.

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