Identifying a True Cloud Security System
White Paper by Dean Drako, CEO of Eagle Eye Networks
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Not all physical security industry cloud offerings are true cloud systems. A true cloud system is specifically engineered for cloud computing. It provides valuable capabilities that premises-based systems can’t. They are constrained by cost factors and the fixed computing and storage capacities of on-premises servers. Yet some companies install traditional client-server software on a cloud-hosted server and call it a “cloud-based system”. This wrongly implies that the software is designed to utilize cloud computing capabilities. Cloud systems engineering is very different from traditional client-server software engineering.
A true cloud system’s architecture makes maximum use of modern cloud computing technology, through a “pay only for what you use” subscription model. A true cloud system affordably and securely provides scalable capabilities that can’t possibly be achieved in client-server on-premises systems.
Some end-users, security design consultants, and systems integrators remain cautious about cloud-based security applications. The physical security industry does not have a history of timely and flawless adoption of information technology and IT practices. This led to suspicions (in some cases discoveries) that not all solutions promoted as “cloud-based” are true cloud offerings.
However, true cloud security applications do exist. Given the business world’s accelerating adoption of cloud computing, more organizations are open to deploying cloud-based security applications than many security practitioners and security technology specifiers generally realize. This makes it especially important to be able to identify well-engineered physical security cloud applications.
True Cloud Engineering
Cloud computing is an evolving set of technologies, whose key characteristics have been defined by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2011, and the ISO/IEC 17788 international standard for cloud computing in 2014. The nature of a true cloud application is well-documented in the cloud development community, as are the most workable software development practices for the creation of cloud applications. This paper explains the essential cloud computing characteristics and how they apply to a cloud-based video management system (Cloud VMS). Understanding cloud computing characteristics is a pre-requisite for identifying a true cloud system of any type.
Do you want to know how to identify a true cloud security system? The remainder of this paper provides the questions you should be asking and other details you need to know.
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